AFWA is proud to offer a Corporate Membership Program to companies that enroll five or more members at the same time. Individuals who become members under this plan will receive all the benefits of AFWA membership at a special discounted dues rate, and the company will receive national recognition and additional benefits.

View Corporate Members

Program Levels

# of employee members 5-15 16-25 26+
National Membership Discount 20% 25% 30%
Recognition as a Corporate Member by AFWA National
AFWA Career Center Job Posting Discount 10% discount 15% discount 20% discount
AFWA Career Center Featured Employer
Original content submissions to
Social Media blast of your message across AFWA’s National social networks

What Else?

  • We encourage all our Corporate members to get involved with their local Chapter of AFWA. Chapter dues are not a part of the Corporate Membership Program; local dues are additional and vary by location. National Headquarters can coordinate the process if Chapter membership is desired.
  • All members must be employed by the same affiliated group, but may work at different company locations.
  • Memberships under the corporate membership program belongs to the company, rather than the individual, and may be transferred within the organization.
  • AFWA requests one group payment and a contact for communication throughout the year and for annual renewal notification.

AFWA’s Corporate Members